Sunday 20 November 2011

This is what you should have completed for MY LESSONs on your blogs...

  • Zombieland title analysis
  • Title sequence designer research.
  • Class notes from Saul Bass case study lesson.
  • Class notes from first 'Title sequences' lesson (4.11.11). Include Codes and Conventions of title sequences list.  
  • Continuity Sequence with accompanying explanation/evaluation. 
By the end of next week I expect all of your research and PowerPoints for the PITCHES.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Year 12 title sequence desiger research task

Useful websites to get you started:

Areas to research & present:
- Brief biography of the designer - how and why they came to work in title design, other areas worked in the industry etc.
- Catalogue of work
- Close analysis of two title sequences with particular attention paid to the use of the titles themselves (typography, how and when they appear, order)
- Comment from designer about at least one of their own titles and about what they consider to be the importance of the title sequence.