Thursday, 8 December 2011


You should have updated your film pitches based on the feedback you received from your fellow classmates and me, your teacher. This should then be uploaded to your blog with an accompanying paragraph detailing what went well and what could be improved upon.

You should also begin to decide upon the type font for your film and get some feedback (perhaps using questionnaires) from your classmates as to which they most prefere.


  1. Colour
  2. Layout
  3. Size
  4. Shape

Sunday, 20 November 2011

This is what you should have completed for MY LESSONs on your blogs...

  • Zombieland title analysis
  • Title sequence designer research.
  • Class notes from Saul Bass case study lesson.
  • Class notes from first 'Title sequences' lesson (4.11.11). Include Codes and Conventions of title sequences list.  
  • Continuity Sequence with accompanying explanation/evaluation. 
By the end of next week I expect all of your research and PowerPoints for the PITCHES.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Year 12 title sequence desiger research task

Useful websites to get you started:

Areas to research & present:
- Brief biography of the designer - how and why they came to work in title design, other areas worked in the industry etc.
- Catalogue of work
- Close analysis of two title sequences with particular attention paid to the use of the titles themselves (typography, how and when they appear, order)
- Comment from designer about at least one of their own titles and about what they consider to be the importance of the title sequence.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Editing Techniques

Thursday, 22 September 2011

EditingCuts, Match on action, wipes, continuity, 180 degree rule.
SoundDiegetic (from the source on screen); Non-Diegetic (Soundtracks, Sound FX): Dialogue, wildtrack.
CinematographyFraming of the shot: Camera angle, lighting, colour, focus.
PerformanceTone of voice, facial expression, movement, gestures.
Mise-en-scene Costumes, lighting, location, props, settings.